February 18, 2025

MLS Clan

MOHAA Gaming Community



The Aim of our Servers is to provide a fun and enjoyable environment for both our members as well as the general public. To this end, the following measures apply:

  1. Cheating No cheating of any kind is allowed in the servers. This includes the use of any special modifications, hacks, or cheat-codes that give you an unfair advantage over your opponents. Any player found to be cheating will be banned. You will receive no further warnings.
  2. General Conduct Abusive or disruptive behavior and language will not be tolerated on any server. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Foul language
  • Racist and discriminatory remarks
  • Accusations of cheating
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Inflammatory comments
  • Team killing
  • Telenading
  • Intentional Door-Blocking
  • Harassing players in any way
There is no good reason to engage in a verbal battle, even when provoked, as any such event disrupts the enjoyment of others. If you are being harassed or suspect someone is cheating, please notify an administrator or post on the forums. Screenshots are always helpful in these matters. Inappropriate conduct will result in a warning. The players second warning will result in being kicked from the server. If after two warnings the behavior continues, the player will be banned.
  1. Going into Spec Going into Spectator mode to avoid being killed or to get more ammo or to see where your opponent is or any other type of similar behaviour will not be allowed at anytime. Players will be warned and kicked. Continually doing this will get you banned.
  2. Spawn Killing It is understood that the occasional spawn kill is unavoidable. However, players are not to camp near spawns, grenade spawn points, or in any other way, deliberately harvest kills from spawn points,in the FFA,TDM,and Sniper only servers.The 1st infraction will result in a warning. The 2nd infraction will result in a “Kick”. The 3rd infraction will result in that player being “Banned” from the server.
  3. Spam Spam will not be tolerated in any server. This includes the excessive sending of unwarranted text or audio messages. Certainly, it can be amusing at times, but repetitive, excessive spam is disruptive.
  4. Advertising The Advertising of other Clan websites, server IP’s or any type of Recruiting will not be permitted on any server.
  5. Respect Admins Persistent badgering of server admins to kick, ban, or perform any other admin-related duty is not allowed. If you continually pester an admin or get overly upset that a certain person was not kicked or banned, you yourself may be kicked.
  6. Contesting a Ban Players wishing to contest their ban may do so in the Forum. Make sure you read our Forum Rules before posting.
Forum Rules
  1. General Conduct Forum posts may be Deleted, Locked or Moved at anytime by Forum Moderators and Administrators for any of the following reasons, but not limited to these reasons:
  • Foul language
  • Racist and discriminatory comments
  • Inflammatory comments
  • Harassing forum users in any way
Do not engage in verbal battles on our Forums. If you want to speak your mind, do so in a civil manner or do not do so at all. Users who continually provoke, start or engage in Flame Topics, will get their User Accounts Deleted.
  1. Advertising The Advertising of other Clan’s server IP’s or any type of Recruiting will not be permitted. The post and your Account Will be Deleted.
  2. Spam Excessive and continual spam is not permitted. Also do not spam Users with PMs, continual PM spamming will get your PM rights revoked.
  3. Inappropriate Links/Images Your post may be Deleted, Locked or Moved by Forum Moderators and Administrators at anytime for any of the folliwng, but not limited to this:
  • Links to inappropriate sites
  • Links to infected sites
  • Links to illegal downloads(including Torrents or any other Copyrighted material that should not be downloaded illegally)
  • Inappropriate images Users found to be deliberately posting links to cause damage to other users will have their Accounts Deleted immediately.
Discord Rules The Aim of the Server is to provide a fun and enjoyable environment for our Members to communicate vocally during scrims, matches, meetings or just while playing in our servers. Members found to not be following the Rules will be Muted or Moved to another channel as deemed necessary by the Leadership.
  1. Inappropriate Comments The following type of comments will not be permitted at anytime.
  • Foul language
  • Racist and discriminatory comments
  • Inflammatory comments We all love a fun and relaxed enviroment, therefore do not engage in verbal confrontations while on Ventrilo.
  1. Yelling Yelling or raising your voice will not be permitted. Doing this while on Ventrilo hurts the ears of all Users that are connected and becomes annoying. Do not Yell at other Users on Ventrilo or Yell excessively during Celebrations.
  2. Excessive Talking Excessive and continual talking while on Ventrilo can become annoying to other Users that are connected. If you are going to have an extended conversation with someone regarding anything other than the game being played, please move to another channel.
  3. Bad Sounding Mic/Soundcard/Speakers Sometimes our Mic, soundcard driver or ventrilo settings must be configured correctly or they will cause the sound to be screechy, scratchy or just very bad sounding. Sometimes these sounds can hurt the ears of other Users on Ventrilo. If you get told your Mic sounds bad please take the time to fix it, have someone go to another channel with you if necessary. Also speakers in the background can cause echoes and just sound very bad to other users, please lower your speakers if this is the case with you or get yourself a mic.
Scrim/Match Rules Not following Scrim or Match Rules only casts a bad reflection on you and your team mates. Members found to not be following the Rules will be kicked from the Scrim or Match for the remainder of the day/night. Continually breaking Rules during Scrims or Matches will get you suspended or banned from playing in them.
  1. Scrim/Match Behaviour During a Scrim or Match, all communication with the opposing team is to go through the generals or ranking officer only, with the exception being to say “good half” or “good game”. Additionally the following type of behaviour will not be permitted: Foul language Racist and discriminatory comments Inflammatory comments Accusations of cheating Typing “?” “No Way” “How ?” or any other similar comments after you have been killed.
  • Audio Taunts
  • Tea-Bagging
  • Blocking Doors
  • Team Killing
  • Nade Glitches
  • Going under map
This type of behaviour is unacceptable for Scrims or Matches. We are not looking for a bad reputation, so respect your opponents.
  1. Discord Discord is mandatory if you want to play in Scrims or Matches. If you do not have a mic you can still play as long as you are connected to Discord so that you can atleast listen.
  2. Setting up Scrims/Matches Friendly scrimmages (scrims) may only be organized with permission from the ranking officer in the server. Additionaly Members should not join any type of Ladder/Tournament/League or Competition without prior permission from the Leadership.
Member Rules Members should lead by example and should respect each other, public players and other clans at all times.
  1. Server Rules Members, you are expected to follow the Server Rules as posted above even more strictly, as any actions on your part are representative of the entire Clan. Allowing your temper to flare only casts a bad reflection on you and your clan-mates. When provoked, it is invariably best to take the high road by saying nothing at all. Spamming, Camping Spawns and Disrespecting Admins or not following Admin directions only shows a bad example to other players and members in the server. Additionally Members should not abbreviate Foul Language(including but not limited to “bs” and “wtf”). Remember that we all love the relaxed, fun-loving nature of the Clan, so we must all do our part to maintain that atmosphere. Any member whose conduct is found to be misrepresentative of the Clan will face consequences as deemed by the leadership.
  2. Forum Rules Members, you are expected to follow the Forum Rules as posted above even more strictly, as any actions on your part are representative of the entire Clan. Members should never publicly disagree or question a decision made by a Server Admin, Forum Administrator or Forum Moderator, if you disagree with a decision that has been made or have a question about it, send a PM or post in the Member Forum. Additionally Members should not abbreviate Foul Language(including but not limited to “bs” and “wtf”) while posting in the Forums.
  3. Conduct between Members Problems with other members should be taken to a General or discussed in the Members Forum. Any time Members fight amongst themselves it becomes a distraction to the rest of the clan, to avoid this from happening please respect your team mates at all times.
  4. Conduct on other Servers Members are expected to behave appropriately while on other Clan’s Servers. Breaking any of our Rules or the other Clans Rules while on their server will not be permitted. We do not want a bad reputation so behave accordingly. Any Member found to be misrepresenting the clan by giving us a bad name on another server will face consequences as deemed by the leadership.
  5. Active Participation Any member who goes MIA over a continuous period of one month without prior notice will be moved to the M.I.A. list. Privates who go MIA over a continuous period of one month without prior notice may be immediately discharged.
  6. Tags Tags should be worn with pride! Members must wear their tags at all times while in the servers. Only wear tags with your name as listed on the official Squad page. Additionally, no divisional tags are to be worn at any time. Remember: you are bound to run into adversity in any online environment, but have fun and maintain a positive attitude! It is only a game—the game, perhaps—but still only a game.
